If you choose to travel from Nairobi, Kenya to Arousa Tanzania, like many other tourists, wanting to see the Serengeti national park or the Ngorongoro crater, you will pass the border by the town of Namanga and reach a small village by the name of Eor-Endeke ten minutes later.
In this community, we started our projects in 2011 and first built a school. After a while, we became aware of the great number of widows living in that place. Some of the women had up to eight children and were fighting daily for survival with and for their kids. We helped them to build houses and sent the families some groceries during dry season.
In order to give the numerous children a better chance for the future, the community asked us to build a school. By today, the school stands and is functioning very well. We found a highly motivated teacher who is really doing a great job there teaching 40 children. The pupils get a warm meal every day.