Burger Roland Gymnasium (High School) in Karao

Throughout the year, students and teachers of the Roland-Gymnasium in Burg (Germany) are committed to brightening up the school day for the Maasai primary school students in Karao. For this purpose, they collect donations through various activities. Among other things, they started a student company in which they produce and sell T-shirts. But they also regularly collect donations by organising concerts and raffles. These in turn, are used to buy various school materials such as ukuleles, notebooks, paints, balls and other things to make life easier for the students in Karao. 

This year, 12 senior students and two teachers from Burger Roland-Gymnasium visited their partner school in Karao, where they decorated and painted the walls, planted trees and engaged the children in various creative activities. 

The local teachers also had the opportunity to learn something new: they picked up the ukuleles they had brought with them and learned an English song prepared by the pupils in just a few hours.

The week flew by, but the Maasai children quickly took the European pupils into their hearts. 

Good humour, laughter, games and the joy of working together brought the pupils of the two schools together.

Many thanks to Andrea Gohla and Dr Frank Eisenhut who prepared, accompanied and supported the students making their trip a lasting and blessed event.

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